Zivilingenieur für Lebensmittel- und Gärungstechnologie


Allgemein beeideter und gerichtlich zertifizierter Sachverständiger


Dipl. Ing. Dr. Josef Dörfler

Oberer Gries 22

3281 Oberndorf an der Melk


T: +43 7483 7110

M: +43 676 371 35 70

E: office@zt-doerfler.at

Independent expert opinions are applied to assess the process technology as well as the system performance and quality. In specific cases it´s important to determine the present and liquidation value of the installed machinery. Those assessments have to take into account the present and expected future market situation as basis for economic benchmark done by investors, operators, financial institutions, insurance agencies and insolvency administrators. Such expert opinions as well as studies for technical, technological and economic issues were done repeatedly by ZT Dörfler.
Dr. Josef Dörfler is registered at the regional court of St. Pölten for the subject area code No. 60.57 machineries for chemical-technical processing (biofuels and biogas) since 2009. His expert opinion has been reptitively asked  by the civil court and prosecutor office.